If you've been blindsided and trust has been destroyed...

Here's How To Rebuild Trust in Your Relationship or Marriage after Lying or an Affair...

If you value your relationship, read this page from beginning to end, we promise you, we will show you how to make things better.

Feeling Stuck Because You Don't Know Where or How to Start?
(Or Even if You Want To!)

shutterstock_148903469Don't worry, you're not the only one.

When you've been lied to or cheated on (or maybe you're the one who cheated), you might be trying all kinds of things to get back to the way your relationship used to be--but they end up being "wrong."

And the problem is that you usually just end up making things worse.

That's how a lot of relationships end up falling apart.

People Either Go to Extremes to "Fix" It Or Just Ignore The
Problem Completely (Both Are Wrong Moves!)

That's mostly because people who have been cheated on or lied to just don't know what to do at first.

So they either go for the offensive and try to control their partner's every move...

time apartOr they just decide to try to act like it never happened.

It might seem like a "smart" idea to try to pretend it didn't happen since you're avoiding conflict.

However, neither approach will help the two of you build trust and this could be even more damaging in the long run.

Learn From Our Mistakes...

Today, in addition to having a great relationship between the two of us filled with with lots of love, trust and connection.

While we are so happy to have a relationship filled with lots of love, trust and connection and are proud to have come this far both personally and professionally...

The truth is that it wasn't always this way.

At the time we're writing this letter to you, we've been together 19 susieandotto400years and before "finding" each other, we were both married to other people and were with them for quite a while.

In fact before getting together, Susie was married to someone else for 30 years and Otto was married to someone else for 15 years.

We didn't realize it then, but in hindsight we made every mistake possible in our previous relationships and marriages.

We did plenty of things that were not what you would do if you wanted to have that relationship filled with plenty of trust.

And still... as crazy as it may sound... as we look back on those times before getting together and think about what we each did in our previous marriages that were inappropriate for someone who wanted to create a close, connected relationship with their mate-- all we can say now is--"that's good" and here's why...

Most people don't learn from the mistakes they make in their relationships and life and just continue to stay stuck in old familiar patterns.

That's what we did until one day we realized that unless we thought and acted differently in this relationship, it would die just as our previous ones did.

Because of what we learned and what we're about to share with you, you may not have to leave your current relationship or marriage in order to rebuild trust and create a closer and more connected relationship.

We encourage you to learn from our mistakes and start creating a better relationship starting right now...


Does this describe your relationship?


stop pushing butttonsDo you have challenges communicating openly with your partner, especially after what's happened?

Is your relationship or marriage in trouble or dying because of unresolved trust issues and you don't know how to get out of the limbo you're living?

Are you suffering from emotional pain because you want more from your partner and you're not sure you can trust him or her anymore?

Are you staying in this relationship even though the trust is gone just because you don't want to go through the pain of a break up?

Do the lies seem to go on forever? Does he or she say they'll change but nothing ever does?

Do you ever wonder what you can do to get the love you really want in this relationship or marriage?

If you said "YES" to any of the questions we just asked you, not only are you probably feeling a great deal of pain about your situation but you are now beginning to see that your relationship or marriage may be in more trouble than you thought as well.

The good news is that there is hope and here's what we want to share with you right now about rebuilding trust...

We've just created what we think is the best and most complete program available anywhere on how to rebuild trust in a relationship or marriage that's been broken.

Our new program is called "Relationship Trust Turnaround" and if you want to start rebuilding trust and a closer and more connected relationship or marriage, keep reading...


Relationship Trust Turnaround: How to Rebuild Trust in Your Relationship or Marriage--Even After An Affair

Not only is a relationship trust turnaround what you want for your relationship or marriage right now...

...it's also the name of our program.

"Relationship Trust Turnaround" is more than just an ebook. It is a complete "soup to nuts" program for rebuilding trust and restoring your relationship, as well as your sanity.

This program...

  • Gives you all you need to start turning trust around and rebuilding your relationship right away.

Includes the following...

  • 2 ebooks
  • 8 audio recordings
  • two special reportsAll tightly focused on helping you heal this painful situation you're living with.
  • Instantly downloadable format to your electronic devices
  • NO shipping charges.
  • Start learning these incredible secrets and strategies for rebuilding trust almost immediately after you let us know you want the program.


 Special Offer $67paymentoptions


In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Discovered Many Ways to Keep Her Love Alive...

"I have found your books to be both inspiring and educational. I have learnt important things about love and relationships that I never paid enough attention to in the past. I have discovered many ways to keep my love alive and they have also opened me up to the idea of re-examining myself and my life and my expectations of love and my partner.

"Even though I do not know you both personally, I felt a deep connection to you. I thank God for you both and I am thankful that you took the time to share your wisdom and experiences with me."

LOVE, Fiona.

"Clear and practical relationship advice..."

"You two have really hit the nail on the head! I feel like you looked right into our relationship issues. Your insights and ideas are so clear and practical. I am excited to put them to use! Thank you!"

Susan, Florida

"Practical Help For Anyone Who Has a Desire To Improve Their Relationship or Recapture The Magic..."

"We are excited about some of Otto and Susie's creative ideas to enhance or rekindle the spark in a relationship or marriage. Otto and Susie are experts on the subject of loving relationships. Their ideas are practical help for anyone who has a desire to improve their relationship or recapture the magic. They are experienced, compassionate, and caring coaches, who have a wealth of worthwhile information to help us all improve our most important relationships."

Roy and Gwen S.

"Concise, clear format with step-by-step tangible tools..."

“I participated in the seminar last night and the night before on relationship trust. I found this program to be well organized and presented in a concise, clear format with step-by-step tangible tools that one could incorporate easily in one's everyday life.

"I appreciate not only the great information provided at an affordable price, but I respect both Susie and Otto's compassionate, caring and thoughtful responses to some of the seminar participant's questions.

"It was also helpful to have both the male and female perspective. Thank you for providing a great learning format.”

Margie, Alaska


Here's What You Get Inside "Relationship Trust Turnaround"

1. The "Relationship Trust Turnaround" Guidebook

Part 1... You'll learn some new ways of looking at trust and what really causes mistrust. (It's not the obvious answer and it's not what you think.)

Also in part one, we talk about where trust building really starts. (This too will surprise you.)

Here, in part one, we guide you through identifying your particular situation and help you to look at your problem with new understandings

In Part 2... This is where we lay out our exclusive, breakthrough step-by-step process for rebuilding trust. We also share new insights about how you truly can see the big picture that is so hard to see when you are being blinded by the pain of what you're going through.

In Part 3... We give you specific strategies for learning to trust yourself, making conscious choices instead of reacting, speaking your truth from your unfulfilled or unspoken wants, needs or desires and making requests that are able to be heard and understood--and most of all, how to communicate with ease.

In this third part, we go in-depth in answering some of the most burning questions you may have right now.

Here, you'll learn about how to deal with:

  • Anger
  • Releasing hurts from the past
  • How to deal with flirting
  • Apologies
  • Setting boundaries
  • Building trustable moments
  • What to do if you're wrongly accused
  • How to change your constant thoughts about the past
  • And much more.

Woven within the pages of this "Relationship Trust Turnaround" guidebook are our personal stories and the questions & stories of real people who gave us permission to use their words with the hope that their experiences would be helpful to you as you discover how to rebuild trust and restore your relationship or marriage.

There are questions at the end of each chapter to help you examine your specific situation more closely and to give you more clarity about your situation and what you need to do in order to restore trust.

When you order the "Relationship Trust Turnaround" program, you'll also get instant access to the following 8 downloadable mp3 audio recordings...

Audio 1 & 2 "Answers To The Ten Top Questions About How To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship or Marriage"

On these recordings, you learn...

  • How to stop imagining "worst case scenarios,"
  • Our take on flirting
  • Our answer to the question "Is jealousy ever warranted"
  • How to make sure your partner isn't cheating
  • Spying--should you or should you not do it?
  • Most important steps to trusting
  • Dealing with lies and lying
  • How to demonstrate trustability
  • Dealing with infidelity
  • What to do when your partner falsely accuses you and much more
    (Recording time approx 90 minutes)

Audio 3

"Otto Collins Interviews Dr. Bob Huizenga (The Infidelity Coach) About His Secrets and Strategies for Helping You Rebuild Trust In Your Relationship or Marriage"

On this recording, you'll learn...

  • 7 distinctly different types of affairs
  • How to deal with these different situations
  • What you can do when your partner can't or won't open to you more
  • How to use both verbal and non-verbal ways to communicate to rebuild trust and much more...
    (Recording time Approx 63 mins)

Audio 4

"Otto Collins Interviews Leslie Karen Sann On Forgiveness"

On this audio recording, you'll learn...

  • New tools for releasing blocks to forgiveness
  • Some of the best ways to forgive
  • How to use forgiveness as a tool for rebuilding trust
  • When to forgive and when not to forgive
  • A better way to "forgive and forget"
  • Amazing skills for opening your heart and much more...
    (Recording time Approx 59 mins)

You'll also get this additional program...

"Instant Relationship Breakthroughs" program

21 immediately useable and practical ideas for reclaiming your relationship, improving communication and rebuilding trust.


  • 92 page downloadable guidebook
  • 3 (mp3) downloadable audio recordings (about 60-70 minutes each)


 Special Offer $67paymentoptions


In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Use This Immediately in Your Life

All you have to be willing to do is invest a little time, effort and energy into learning some new skills ideas and techniques that will dramatically improve the quality of your relationship and we'll take care of the rest.

If you have even an ounce of desire to heal the trust issues and challenges that have come up for you in your relationship or marriage, we sincerely believe this program can change your relationship and your life.
On the other hand, if you aren't willing at this point to spend another second of your time on this relationship or your partner...


...if you are so frozen with fear that you simply aren't willing to explore some new possibilities


...if so much has happened that you are unwilling to give it one more try, then you should probably pass on this info and not bother downloading it.

This program is for people who want more love and a better relationship and are willing to try some new ideas and strategies in their relationship or marriage and do something about it.

The truth is that nothing will change if you don't change something and in this program, we're giving you the tools to create trust much easier than you ever thought possible.

That's why we created "Relationship Trust Turnaround"...

What do you want for your relationship?

If you've read this far on this web page, we're thinking that you're someone who really is interested in making your relationship better and you're willing to be open to some new ideas.

Are we right?

We think so and if you're finally ready to rebuild trust with our guidance, then here's what you're going to want to do...

Download our complete "Relationship Trust Turnaround" program now and start going through the information right away.

It gives you everything you need to know to be able to rebuild trust before your relationship or marriage reaches the point of no return.

This program is the most complete course available anywhere on how to rebuild trust.  Nothing has been held back.

To make this even better for you, we've priced it so affordably that regardless of what gas prices are, you'll be able to fit this into your budget with no problems.

Click the "Add To Cart" button below to download the complete "Relationship Trust Turnaround" program right now...

Plus, if you order now , we'll also include these incredible bonuses absolutely FREE...  

Bonus #1: "Relationships and Money" audio

As you know, money is one of the biggest areas in relationships where conflict often comes up.

On this audio, you learn...

  • How to tackle the toughest of tough financial conflicts between couple
  • How to handle sensitive money issues in relationships.
  • The proper way to address who should handle the finances
  • Whether or not to keep separate finances
  • How to reconcile financial concerns in blended families.
  • How to agree on spending money on the kids
  • Successful ways to approach bringing different amounts of financial resources into a new relationship and much more. (Recording time Approx 45 mins)

Bonus #2: Special Report from Leslie Karen Sann... "Freedom and the Art of Forgiveness"

This is an incredibly valuable 12 page instantly downloadable companion "handout" that will help you get even more out of the interview Otto did with Leslie on Forgiveness that is included in this package and described above.

Bonus #3: Special Report from Susie and Otto "10 Communication Mistakes Most People Make In Their Relationships and What They Can Do To Fix Them" 

This 21 page special report contains the master keys on how to start improving communication now with everyone in your life. This will give you even more help with communicating with your partner as you move toward rebuilding trust and restoring your relationship and connection.



 Special Offer $67paymentoptions


In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

60 Day 100% No-Risk Guarantee

Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, just let us know within 60 days and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price. 


Get Started Right Now Enjoying a Happier, Easier Relationship


Most people who have trust issues in their relationships tend to stay stuck in their pain for a long time because they don't reach out and get the help that is available to them if they will only say yes to it.

We've also found that many of these same couples who have trust challenges continue going down the same path they are on (sometimes for years) and continue to let this issue destroy their relationship or marriage.

Don't let this be you.

When you apply what we share with you in "Relationship Trust Turnaround" to your relationship or marriage, you will potentially save yourself years of emotional pain.

If you've been trying to work through your relationship trust challenges by yourself, our help can be a lifesaver.

If you're already working with a therapist, then this information we're offering is an affordable way to take the work you're doing with them to a whole new level without a lot of cost.

When you apply what we share with you in this program, you'll be able to understand everything you need to know to start turning trust around right now.

By knowing this information, you'll be able to rebuild trust with your partner, regain your connection, keep your relationship together and help you to get the love you really want.

You owe it to yourself, your relationship, your family to do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust in this relationship now.

Don't waste another minute of your time feeling like you are disconnected, disrespected and unloved.

Get your copy of "Relationship Trust Turnaround" and start rebuilding trust in your relationship or marriage now...

Click the "Add to Cart" button below to get our "Relationship Trust Turnaround" program to start creating a happier and healthier relationship.

You'll be glad you did!

We wish you all the love and happiness you want!

Relationship Coaches and Authors

Susie and Otto Collins


 Special Offer $67paymentoptions


In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

P.S. We've made this program incredibly affordable at only $67 and offer a money-back guarantee for 60 days--so you can't lose!

P.P.S. Act now to take advantage of his program at this price. You have nothing to lose by clicking the "Add to Cart" button right now.


 Special Offer $67paymentoptions


In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.