WARNING: Before You Try to Talk About That Subject That Causes You to "Talk on Eggshells"...

Here's how to talk to your partner or spouse about anything without fear of how they'll react

If you value your relationship with that special someone, read this page from beginning to end, we promise you, we will show you how to make things better.

Feeling Stuck Trying to Get the "Right" Words Out?

stop worryingDon't worry, you're not the only one.

Every person in the world has at one point in their lives struggled to say the "right" words so someone can hear them.

Whether it has something to do with your relationship with your lover or partner, or the myriad of other subjects men, women and couples need to talk about...

Sometimes you just can't seem to say what you want to say in the way you want to say it--and it comes out "wrong" or not at all.

And the problem is that you usually just end up making things worse.

That's how a lot of relationships end up falling apart.

People Either Jump In Blind Or Just Ignore The
Problem Completely (Both Are Wrong Moves!)

That's mostly because people just don't know what to do at first.

So they either go for the offensive and take on the subject head on (which a lot of times ends up in arguments and bitter feelings)...

shutterstock_250337218Or they just decide to not talk about their problems at all.

Not talking about it might seem like the "smart" thing to do, since you're avoiding conflict.

However, that only shows you're not really giving 100% in the relationship with your partner, lover, family member, or friend.

And this could later lead to more cracks and damages in the long run.

"He/She Just won't Listen"

shutterstock_148903424You may have tried opening up and communicating your feelings before.

And your partner just brushed you off like it didn't mean anything or even gotten angry.

That's because the "environment" for honest and open communication has not yet established.

You may be coming in too strong or not being clear.

Your loved one might have something else in their mind, or is just not open to talking about these subjects.

But later, we'll show you how to set up the perfect environment that will allow both of you to openly and lovingly talk to each other with trust and love.

Does this describe your relationship?


Are there any issues between you and your partner that you "just don't talk about" out of fear of what would happen if you did?

Are there times when you wish you could just talk things over without having a big argument or blowup?

Do you ever feel distant, disconnected or alone because of your (and your partner's) inability to truly communicate with each other?

Do you wish you could both just put down your defenses and walls and give each other the love you both really want?

Are there ever any times when you "hold back" and just do whatever is necessary to keep the peace in the relationship?

Do you ever "go overboard" and go out of your way to do things you may not not necessarily want to do to please someone in hopes of making things in your relationship go better?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you are not alone.

Being able to speak the truth openly and honestly in a relationship, along with feeling heard and understood, are some of the biggest challenges that most people face today.

We call it... "Talking on Eggshells."

This Happened to Us Too

After years of trial and error, and working hand in hand, we were able to discover how to stop "talking on eggshells" and how to say what we mean and mean what we say.

susieandotto400Hi, we're Susie and Otto Collins.

When we both met, and before our "Soulmate Experience," we both came from different painful, long-term marriages that ended up in devastating divorces.

Those past, broken relationships were mostly because we each in our own ways "talked on eggshells." Certain topics were swept under the rug and left to mutate and grow into a monstrous "relationship problem" that could no longer be solved once it finally reared its ugly head.

So we knew if we wanted our new relationship together to work long term, we had to figure out how to talk honestly with one another without leaving wounds, scars and bitterness.

And after years of teamwork and figuring everything out on our own...

And despite still having challenging subjects to talk about even to this day...

We Discovered The Key To Stop Talking on Eggshells

eggshellssmWe've figured out exactly how to make it so easy and seamless, that we promise you, this information will save your relationship.

In our own ways, we both talked on eggshells much of the time, especially in the last years of those marriages.

Although Otto's ex may have a different perspective on what did or didn't happen in their marriage, as Otto looks back on it, he remembers trying to play the nice guy, bending over backwards and doing whatever it took to please his now ex-wife. He kept things inside that should have been talked about, not wanting to "rock the boat" and just trying to keep the peace. Talking on eggshells for him never worked. It only served as a place within him where resentment and anger lived and grew.

Susie's experience with her ex-husband was both similar and different. Over the 30 years they were married, they gradually drifted apart until they didn't have much in common with each other.

In the later years of their marriage, although they still loved one another, they found that they were watching what they said to each other and there were times when they just couldn't say anything right. They just didn't understand each other any more and wanted different things out of life.

When the two of us came together, we carried those harmful talking on eggshell patterns with us into our new relationship. The two of us had to learn how to be and act much differently if we were to create the kind of love and relationship that we really wanted.

We took a look at how things were going, took a look at our previous marriages and realized once and for all that if we wanted to create a closer and more connected relationship and have it stay that way, we had to change what we habitually did. We had to reverse what wasn't working in our relationship.

Luckily for us, we figured out that talking on eggshells, being afraid to say what was on our mind, not being willing to share our thoughts and feelings and not communicating authentically were all things that were going to destroy our potentially wonderful relationship in almost no time at all if we didn't stop. We had to change.

The techniques and information we've learned through the years have not only benefited us as a couple, but also men, women and other couples all over the world.

You see, for decades, we have been coaching individuals and couples worldwide on how to have the best relationship they've ever had, and will ever have in their life.

We've helped people figure out keys to a healthy, long-term relationship and we're proud to say we've saved probably hundreds, maybe even thousands of relationships through the years.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

"A Practical Guide To Support You In Learning How To Be Powerful and Authentic In Your Communications..."

"They've done it again-- With 'Stop Talking On Eggshells' Susie and Otto have written and created a practical guide teaching skills to support learning to love even more. "Stop Talking on Eggshells" is not only instructive but is a tool to support you in learning how to be powerful and authentic in your communications -- the only true way we can negotiate genuine loving relationships."

Leslie Karen Sann, Founder of Living by Design

"Taught Me How To Communicate More Effectively With My Mate..."

"Stop Talking On Eggshells is an excellent tool that will influence couples to understand each other's reasoning for 'talking on eggshells' instead of just shutting down.

Your info taught me to communicate more effectively with my mate in order to get the love and affection that I need and deserve instead of just walking away from the relationship. It also showed me what to look for and how to end the cycle of 'the dance' in a relationship--the pulling forward and negatively pulling backward in a relationship.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to embark on this journey with you. I know that 'Stop Talking on Eggshells' will be a blessing to many."

Crystal from Little Rock, AR.

"Practical Help For Anyone Who Has a Desire To Improve Their Relationship or Recapture The Magic..."

"We are excited about some of Otto and Susie's creative ideas to enhance or rekindle the spark in a relationship or marriage. Otto and Susie are experts on the subject of loving relationships. Their ideas are practical help for anyone who has a desire to improve their relationship or recapture the magic. They are experienced, compassionate, and caring coaches, who have a wealth of worthwhile information to help us all improve our most important relationships."

Roy and Gwen S.

"This should be required reading before marriage, just like a blood test!"

"Over the course of this week I have read, then re-read, your newest and in my opinion, your finest book,  'Stop Talking on Eggshells.'  I say that because it touched a cord I wasn't expecting; at times moving me from chills, to recall and then to tears.  Your clear writing, methodical flow, and personal insight spoke to me.  I felt as if I was the focus of your writing and that you were speaking personally to me; listening, affirming I was not peculiar, while offering suggestions of hope.  Unfortunately, I did not discover you earlier to save my marriage; however, I am convinced by practice that your methods do work!  My sincerest thank you for showing me I can have the relationship that I want and deserve!

"You really hit the mark this time.  Your writing was clear, succinct and flowed beautifully."

Cindi, Chicago, IL

We're also super proud to introduce to you...

"Stop Talking on Eggshells"

We've created a course that will give you everything you need to know in order to stop talking on eggshells and start connecting with your spouse or partner in a whole new way.

Our new program is called "Stop Talking On Eggshells" and it includes a guidebook and 6 audios that will add additional insights and distinctions to what you will learn from the written material.

You can download it now by clicking here

With this breakthrough new info, we take you by the hand and give you practical, step-by-step instructions on how you can talk to your partner or spouse about anything without fear about how they'll react or what they'll say, think or do.

Here's What You Get Inside

"Stop Talking on Eggshells" includes a Guidebook you can download Instantly to your computer, smart phone or any electronic device.

Here's what we cover in the guidebook ...

We've organized this guidebook in our course into three parts:

1. In the introduction and chapter one, we're giving you background information about what talking on eggshells is and why most of us do it.

2. In Part 2, we will guide you through identifying your situation and looking at your problem with new understandings.

3. In Part 3, we give you specific strategies for learning to trust yourself, making conscious choices instead of reacting, speaking your truth from your unfulfilled or unspoken wants, needs or desires and making requests that are able to be heard and understood--and most of all, how to communicate with ease.

Woven within the pages of this "Stop Talking On Eggshells" guidebook are our personal stories and the stories of others who gave us permission to use their words with the hope that their stories would be helpful to you as you discover how to create richer, more passionate, alive, growing relationships.

There are questions at the end of each chapter to help you examine your specific situation more closely and to give you more clarity about what is best for you and your relationship and how you can best move forward.

When you order the "Stop Talking On Eggshells" program, you'll also get instant access to the following six downloadable mp3 audio recordings that are a part of the program...

Audio 1 & 2 "Stop Talking On Eggshells At Home and At Work"

These two audios are the recordings of our teleseminar "Stop Talking On Eggshells At Home and At Work."

This presentation is nearly ninety minutes and in it, we show you how to start communicating in a way that will bring you more love, passion, connection in your marriage or intimate relationship.  

This information will also show you how to have more peace, connection and understanding at work and In ALL of your other relationships too!

Audio 3 & 4

"Getting Him or Her To Open To You"

These two recordings are from our teleseminar "Getting Him or Her To Open To You".

On these recordings, we offer breakthrough ideas for dealing with someone who is distant, standoffish, aloof,  disrespectful, non-committal, emotionally unavailable, cold, wishy-washy, unable or unwilling to share his or her feelings, negative, unwilling to work on the relationship, or doesn't see the problems like you do.

On these recordings from this live presentation, we share what to do in situations like this where you want more.  (Recording time Approx 85 mins)

Audio 5

"Relationships and Money"

Money is one of the biggest areas in relationships where conflict comes up.

On this audio recording from an interview and live teleseminar we tackle the toughest of tough financial conflicts between couples.

~We will guide you through How to Handle Sensitive Money Issues in Relationship.

You will learn the proper way to address who should handle the finances, whether or not to keep separate finances and how to reconcile financial concerns in blended families.

We also teach you how to agree on spending money on the kids and successful ways to approach bringing different amounts of financial resources into a new relationship and much more. (Recording time Approx 45 mins)

Audio 6

"7 Intimacy Secrets"

Creating more intimacy and connection in your most important relationships can be a tricky thing. With the information we share in the audio of our "7 Intimacy Secrets" live presentation,  we'll help you take the mystery out of getting more of what you want.  (Recording time 66 min 12 sec)


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In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Use This Immediately in Your Life

If there are any doubts, fears or hesitations coming up right now about how difficult talking with your partner openly and honestly about certain things are, know that the tools in this program can get you unstuck and moving toward a happier, healthier relationship.

In fact, any self talk you have that says it isn't possible for your relationship and your partner will only shut you down (again) if you try to talk about what's so important to you, you owe it to yourself to open to something more wonderful happening.

The truth is that nothing will change if you don't change something and in this Guidebook and audios, we're giving you the tools to make talking about those subjects that have overwhelmed you in the past much easier than you ever thought possible.

That's why we created "Stop Talking on Eggshells"...

What do you want for your relationship?

If you've read this far on this web page, we're thinking that you're someone who really is interested in more from your relationships that you have right now and you're willing to be open to some new ideas to create something better.

Are we right?

We think so and if you're finally ready to "Stop Talking On Eggshells" and start communicating to connect, then here's what you're going to want to do...

Download our complete "Stop Talking On Eggshells" program now and start going through the information right away.

It gives you everything you need to know to be able to stop talking on eggshells now (before this issue destroys your relationship or marriage.)

This program is the most complete course available anywhere on how to stop talking on eggshells and how to start communicating to connect with your partner or the important people in your life.  Nothing has been held back.

To make this even better for you, we've priced it so affordably that regardless of what gas prices are, you'll be able to fit this into your budget with no problems.

Click the "Add To Cart" button below to download the complete "Stop Talking On Eggshells program right now...

Plus, if you order now , we'll also include these incredible bonuses absolutely FREE...  

Bonus #1 -- "12 Proven Secrets"--These are the mp3 recordings of a live 90 minute teleseminar we conducted recently where we gave our answers to the 12 biggest, most important and most pressing questions that our web site visitors and newsletter subscribers like you had about how to create closer and more loving relationships. These 12 questions are ones we hand picked from over 795 responses to a survey at our web site. Most of these questions are about improving communication and trust building.   (Retail Value $35)  

Bonus #2--"10 Communication Mistakes Most People Make In Their Relationships and What They Can Do To Fix Them"  --  This special report by Susie and Otto contains the master keys on how to start improving communication now with everyone in your life. This 21 page downloadable special report is in pdf format. ($12 Retail Value)  

Bonus #3 --"7 Keys to Creating A Great Relationship"--a 20 page downloadable special report in pdf format on the seven things we consider to be most important in creating an outstanding relationship.  ($8 Retail Value) 

Bonus #4 "Susie and Otto Collins' Love and Relationships Newsletter"--Sent by email and filled with practical tips for creating lasting love and deeper passion. You may unsubscribe at any time.


60 Day 100% No-Risk Guarantee

Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, just let us know within 60 days and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price. 


Get Started Right Now Enjoying a Happier, Easier Relationship

shutterstock_98725502You wouldn't be here right now if you didn't want a happier, easier relationship with less stress, worry and fewer damaging disagreements.

We know it's possible for you to start opening your spouse, partner, or lover's heart so you're able to resolve those issues that have tugged at your relationship for maybe many years.

We know it's possible for you to feel close once again without all the drama that seems to now be there between the two of you.

It's time for you to start getting more of the love, passion and connection that you want.

Click the "Add to Cart" button above to get our "Stop Talking on Eggshells" program to start creating a happier and healthier relationship.

You'll be glad you did!

We wish you all the love and happiness you want!

Relationship Coaches and Authors

Susie and Otto Collins


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In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

P.S. We've made this program incredibly affordable at only $67 and offer a money-back guarantee for 60 days--so you can't lose!

P.P.S. Act now to take advantage of his program at this price. You have nothing to lose by clicking the "Add to Cart" button right now.


Special Offer $67paymentoptions


In addition to receiving access to this program, you will also receive occasional emails from us with helpful tips and tricks as well as exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of every email we send. Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.